His address, until Feb. 11th, is:
Elder Tanner Gardner Perry
MTC Mailbox #273
PER-TRU 0211
2005 N. 900 E.
Provo, Utah 84604
Dropping off a missionary at the MTC was everything that I
had heard it would be---wonderful and torturous at the same time. We definitely sat too close to the exit door. And one should never drop off a missionary with an emotional pregnant women who is expecting twins (Tanner's older sister Nicole)--even though she was incredibly restrained --she started us all off weeping as we prepared to give Tanner hugs and loves before he walked through that EXIT door.I am finding it difficult to transition from a mother who loved being an active participant in her son's life to one who must mail packages and letters--and then WAIT for letters!!
Tanner would love to hear from you--write him at the above address.
After the 11th of February he will be in the Lima, Peru MTC for 6 weeks.